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Marketing Role

Sprint Finish

Is a report after Sprint completion that expresses the delivered Stories, Story Points and total cost for Company to be invoiced by the Contractor.

Sprint Order

Or “SO” is a work order for a specific Sprint mutually understood by all stakeholders.

Sprint Cost

The Story Point price multiplied by the estimated Story Points in a SO.

Sprint Velocity

Is a measure of the amount of SP a team can complete during a two-week sprint. It is a key metric measured by the sum of Story Points in order to complete all the stories in a Sprint.

Story Point

Is an abstract measure of the difficulty of implementing a given Story.


Is an identified list of Stories to be done within a project. This replaces the traditional requirements specification artifacts. These are evaluated in the sprint meetings and are subject to evolve.


Is a two-week period where the team works to complete a set amount of work or stories.

User Story

Or Story is the smallest unit of work in an agile framework. An end goal, not a feature.

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